Guias Lost Ark

Housing – State

Housing Es una Isla personal que donde puedes enviar barcos a misiones, craftear items.puedes recorrer la isla para mejorar...

Torre Demoniaca

TORRE DEMÓNICAContenido individual Todos los aventureros que querían conquistar las...

Sala de la Reminiscencia

Sala de la ReminiscenciaContenido individual Si desea revivir sus recuerdos...

Sala de Entrenamiento

Sala de EntrenamientoContenido individual Accesible tocando un instrumento musical, la Sala...

Navegación – Mar

VIAJESContenido individual Cuando viajes por el mar, las tormentas pueden...

Guardian Raid

GUARDIANS RAIDContenido diario 1 ~ 4 jugadores Con una vida...


MÚSICAContenido individual En Lost  Ark , cada clase tiene su propio instrumento. ...

Misión de Epona

Misiones Epona Contenidodiario e individual Completa misiones recomendadas por Ignea...

Buena Relación

Siera Prideholme (Retharmis)Ir al Mapa Tiempo requerido: 10d Requisitos: La...

Mazmorra Secreta

Mazmorra SecretaContenido regular: 1 ~ 4 jugadores Hay lugares invisibles...

Voyage Cooperative Missions

In Season 2, Good Luck energy has been removed from the game and most sea actions such as diving have been removed from the world sea.

In its place, there are now scheduled cooperative missions that you can find outside of most major ports, where players can gather together to do short mini-games together to earn Pirate Coins and special voyage currencies.

Because voyage cooperative missions require you to be able to use your boat’s functions, please make sure you are not using a ship skin that disables use of these abilities.

The special voyage currencies can be used to get more Pirate Coins, sailors, ship upgrade materials, and more. There is also a chance to obtain special keys which can be used to visit Gateways in the sea that open at certain times, earning you additional rewards.


The map above details the starting locations of cooperative voyage missions. The quest location is not displayed in the calendar, however the first location of the first mini-game is fixed. From there, as you complete each mini-game, follow your world map to the next mini-game to proceed with the new cooperative mission to earn additional rewards.

Interactive Map -Lost Ark

Region Starting Mission Special Coin Special Key

Dangerous Waters


Treasure Salvage Guiena Coin Key of Harmony Storm Lv. 1

Dead Lv. 2

Cold Lv. 2


Race Guiena Coin Key of Harmony Dead Lv. 1

Cold Lv. 1


Hunt Jellyfish Guiena Coin Key of Harmony Storm Lv. 2

Dead Lv. 2


Race Kratos Coin Key of Wisdom Dead Lv. 2

Storm Lv. 3


Treasure Salvage Arcturth’s Coin Key of Earth Dead Lv. 3


Hunt Jellyfish Ancient Coin Key of Patience Dead Lv. 3

Cold Lv. 4


Hunt Jellyfish Solar Coin Key of India Storm Lv. 4

Sandstorm Lv. 4

Siren Lv. 4



Credit by Saintone’s

This is information aggregated during my time playing Lost Ark on the Korean servers post-Season 2. As this is regional, some information may not apply to the RU, JP, or Global versions of the game. You can find gameplay of LAO Season 2 KR from my Twitch or YouTube channels. For corrections or questions you can reach me on Discord at Saintone#4599.